21st January 2019

Traveling to Do Psychedelics (a Quick Guide)

There are many advantages of using psychedelics. People like Michael Pollan that are great journalists and do a lot of research have found that psychedelic drugs are some of the most powerful tools that can improve mental performance and aid in all manner of different symptoms including anxiety, depression, and others. If there are studies showing these positive results then it really is no wonder as to why in some places around the world, you can now legally purchase the likes of shroom edibles and other psychedelic substances that can alter the perception of your reality for the duration of the trip.

When it comes to traveling across the globe to participate in rituals or other experiences, it is worthwhile to have some understanding of what is going on beforehand. For example, many people learn by doing something like ayahuasca or mushrooms, but there is a whole world of danger that comes from going to the wrong place.

In this article, we will focus on some of the great tools that you can use to build the perspective that you have on life, but without any of the dangers that come from a shaman that does not have your best interest in mind.

Microdosing Psychedelics

One of the common trends that allows people to take advantage of psychedelics without even traveling is microdosing. There are intense ayahuasca retreats that you can do in the jungles of south America, but then you can also do something like microdosing ayahuasca vine. As other people find that the ayahuasca provides large, intense experiences, you can find an alternative.

The other alternative to doing these experiences on your own is simply learn how to grow the psychedelics yourself. There are plenty of guides teaching you how to grow magic mushrooms easily and safely. All you need to do is take the time to do it. However, before setting out on a psychedelic journey (especially at home) make sure that you have enough time to completely experience the trip. For example, if you have to rush to work the next day, then it might not be as beneficial to do it that night. Get your environment right, research useful and required info, seek to answer all your burning questions like how long do mushrooms stay in your system?’ before you indulge in any psychedelic experience.

Traveling to do psychedelics is an important and often profound part of the experience so we will not skip over this topic. If you still want to do it with a shaman after we explained some DIY options, here is what we recommend.

First of all, always find a recommendation. There are numerous shamans available that can help, but if you get a recommendation or a referral from someone that you know and feel safe with, then you should be in good shape. There are many people who are great, but it is hard to parse through them.In fact, it is easier to find a good shaman willing to be referred in the United States (or wherever you live) than going down to south America. Going to the jungle doesn’t mean it is automatically going to be a good experience. Many of the people who are working in the jungle are not able to provide the kind of service that you might like.